NOTE: This is not an official website made by The Region of Peel.
For more information, please visit the official Waste Management page.


The Region of Peel offers various waste & recycling services to help residents effectively manage their waste. This page provides an overview of the types of bins, and additional recycling resources.

Region of Peel logo

Types of Bins

  • Garbage Bins: Coffee cups, aluminum foil, takeout containers, etc.
  • Recycling Bins: Paper, plastic, glass, cardboard (flattened), metal, etc.
  • Organic Bins: Food scraps, fruit/vegetable peels, bones, napkins, etc.
Other miscellaneous items such as batteries, hazardous waste, and electronic waste should be taken to a Community Recycling Centre. More details on proper waste disposal can be found at Peel Region's Waste Sorter:

Recycling Tips

  • All recyclables should be placed loose into the recycling bin.
  • Make sure to flatten all cardboard boxes before recycling them.
  • Empty and rinse glass jars and bottles before placing them in the bin.
  • Place all plastic bags into one single bag and tie it.

Additional Resources