NOTE: This is not an official website made by The Region of Peel.
For more information, please visit the official Waste Management page.
For more information, please visit the official Waste Management page.
The Region of Peel offers various waste & recycling services to help residents effectively manage their waste. This page provides an overview of the types of bins, and additional recycling resources.

Types of Bins
- Garbage Bins: Coffee cups, aluminum foil, takeout containers, etc.
- Recycling Bins: Paper, plastic, glass, cardboard (flattened), metal, etc.
- Organic Bins: Food scraps, fruit/vegetable peels, bones, napkins, etc.
Recycling Tips
- All recyclables should be placed loose into the recycling bin.
- Make sure to flatten all cardboard boxes before recycling them.
- Empty and rinse glass jars and bottles before placing them in the bin.
- Place all plastic bags into one single bag and tie it.